【心脏不好的人慎入】 暴论合集 [Don't click when you have cardiovascular disease] Collection of ignorant and rude speeches


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网友:我需要知道具体的细节 我是人民我有权利知道谁对我好谁在保护我谁想害我

你现在越过越差了 还是吃不饱饭 穿不上衣服?还是有侵略者杀害你亲人了?

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“Maoist” TERF


Revolutionary feminist with experience in Red Culture & the radical feminist movement. Sex not gender, science not identity. Red & Expert. Politics in Command.

Transgenderism = hyper-individualism, or the ideology of degenerating liberalism in the era of decaying, obsolescent capitalism. Those that promote communism say to “serve the people” and put humanity first. Transgenderism, however, puts male individualism & sex rights first.

Except transgender ideology claims that women should become sexual slaves to psychotic & utterly deranged men in dresses, giving up our bodies to male sexual gratification & exploitation.
It’s either you stand with the evil of transgenderism or you stand with oppressed women.

This is under the assumption that the transgenderist elite are an oppressed group and are justified in their rape and abuse of women. In reality, Mao fought patriarchy and defended feminism. Transgenderism is an ideology of an oppressor sex that promotes the genocide of females.

There is no communist organization in the world today that promotes transgenderism or the other orbiting ideologies as a result of capitalism in decay. The entire movement of patriarchy that you support is an ideology propagated by woman-hating social-fascists & revisionist scum.

The line of feminism is found all throughout the international Maoist movement, it is merely the transgender ideologues that are scattered, ideologically isolated & politically defeated on the left. That is because communists promote feminism, not genocidal, patriarchal fascism.

Transgender-identified freaks did not exist at the time of Marx, Lenin and Mao Tsetung. But certainly they took a stand against gender oppression and sex oppression. Today as materialists we analyze the transgender ideology for what it really is, capitalism in decay.

Always the brainsick and deranged liberals to roll out this subjectivist inexactitude. Marx, Lenin and Mao stood on the side of feminism. All oppressed populations are casting support for feminism, not transgenderism. You nauseous freaks stand on the side of women’s enslavement!

Besides, it was Mao that argued that numbers are irrelevant, that guns are irrelevant too. What matters is a correct political orientation. If one is bound to individualism, subjectivism, metaphysics & liberalism, just how can they claim to be right? Transgenderism’s a falsehood.

Freakish, bloodthirsty male threatens death on women. Could this blatant, murderous misogyny be anymore obvious? Certainly it is unexpected. These fanatical and diehard madmen always deploy the same sexist plot:
dehumanize women, destroy them physically & erase their existence.

Looks as though the rabid pornographers and sex-addicted liberal fiends are out and about, again attacking my page for upholding the revolutionary feminist stance.

One ought not quiver in the face of evil, but scoff and boldly impale it’s heart of stone. Fight on, march on.

What do these anarchists, liberals and individualists want? Well, for one, to rape and abuse women and children with no consequence, to engage in their male supremacist and parasitic lifestyles in pursuit of pornography and prostitution freely, at the expense of women everywhere.

Anarchists, liberals and individualists are irreconcilably enemies of the communist movement. Their order is one that bitterly obstructs the advancement of liberation—including female liberation, mainly—and champions oppression—indeed, one form being patriarchy—in its place.

Once again the transgender cult muddles sex & gender by conflating it, even when claiming to differentiate the terms. In reality, gender has always been a hierarchical binary of social relations, oppressing females for male benefit. This theory of “biologism” is pure metaphysics.

Zach needs to shut his trap on matters he knows nothing about. For instance, sociology. Sociology is not only scientific in substance but in practice as well, and “queer theory” has nothing in common with it. “Queer theory” is purely individualist & idealist nonsense.

The truth is, biology cannot exist without sociology. True biology, often neglected by the capitalists, the patriarchs, and white supremacists of the world, is entirely dependent on sociology and the manifold forms of social & material analysis, the main one being dialectics.

The dark, rotten dungeons of pedophilia and rape are composed of a certain group of people, and we know this cabal of reactionaries fairly well. The patriarchy let’s us know everyday just who constitutes this evil calaboose. Among the males is the transgender cult, of course.

Revolutionaries of the world must awaken to the false prophets of this ideology. It’s not liberating, it isn’t freeing slaves. It creates slaves, it reinforces the serfdom of women in its most horrific pronouncement. It’s an ideology of a dying system, a system we will overthrow!

The liberal approval of sex politics - meaning the normalization and promotion of sexual assault, prostitution, rape and molestation - is a weapon of the Biden social-fascist group to attack feminism and the overall movement for female liberation. We must challenge this threat!

Liberal sexual culture must die in the flames of revolution. It has no place in a civilized, advanced and developed world. The dehumanization, objectification and sexualization of women cannot be allowed to go on any longer. The patriarchy will die, if we make it die! Fight on!

I’d disagree. Sexual stimulation comes from somewhere, and that’s the objectification and sexualization of human bodies. Under patriarchy, that’s mainly female bodies. To argue masturbation doesn’t also alter the brain and one’s attitudes towards others would surely be mistaken.


This is slander, but totally expected from the freak-show mob that runs this new-fangled liberalism. My response:

“TERF” is an amorphous word invented to demean & attack women & feminists. Maoists certainly include these categories of people. Maoists are not transgenderists.

Maoists stand for dialectical materialism and reality, not liberalism, identity politics, idealism and metaphysics, as this boneheaded dunce seems to promote. Transgenderist politics have nothing in common with materialism & are just a form of a metaphysical bourgeois decadence.

Maoists stand for dialectical materialism and reality, not liberalism, identity politics, idealism and metaphysics, as this boneheaded dunce seems to promote. Transgenderist politics have nothing in common with materialism & are just a form of a metaphysical bourgeois decadence.

Maoists stand for dialectical materialism and reality, not liberalism, identity politics, idealism and metaphysics, as this boneheaded dunce seems to promote. Transgenderist politics have nothing in common with materialism & are just a form of a metaphysical bourgeois decadence.


Transgender rights = the sexual rights of males to batter, abuse, rape and erase women. “LOOP” shows its true colors — it’s male supremacy, white supremacy and pro-imperialism — when it endorses the transgender regime’s mantra for the legalization & enactment of female genocide.

Notice how these pedophiles always use the word “girls,” rarely women when referring to their fetishes. As if it wasn’t already obvious what these creeps really are and what they REALLY want…

The misogynistic cult always demands proof that they advocate for the rape, genocide and erasure of women. But they’re the ones that say it, they’re the ones who make it clear that this is their end-goal. That nobody wants to wake up to the overwhelming evidence is frightening.

LOOP seeks to preserve oppression in the colonialist patriarchy by promoting woman-hating, misogyny and patriarchy. This is to be expected from a gang of first-world, utterly fascist-degenerate renegades of the “sex positive,” anti-feminist, evidently pro-white supremacist type.

This is a misnomer. It is the transgender imperialist cult that perpetuates and upholds “western, european-biologistic ideas of gender,” not feminists.
Maoists demand the abolition of gender, which is unwaveringly contrary to the goal of the bourgeois transgender individualists.

The transgender cult has never been oppressed throughout their 60-50 years of existence. They’ve always been oppressors of women and children, and always sought to colonize the world with their twisted ideology. Their goal? Systemically subjugate women and erase their existence.

A simple reminder that the most privileged sectors of white settler men in western society have come up with the perfect formula to fake oppression & score “woke points” from the “identity politics” liberals. All comes down to brainwashing others into believing they’re women!

The transgender cult is a product of white supremacy, the capitalist patriarchy and imperialism. It’s proponents are well-off agents of these systems and serve patriarchy especially with bestial violence against women. This vile, misogynistic invention is contrary to feminism!

Your entire account proves that it’s a fetish, that you get a kick out of sexualizing yourself and calling that self-objectification a woman. Dressing in womanface because it arouses you and makes you horny doesn’t make you a female. You can avoid it all you want, but tough.

And besides, total bullshit. Go out a fundraiser on your pages. Once it gets exposure, you’ll get all the money you’ve ever wanted. Or maybe ask the new Biden regime. They’ll give you a handout they’ve extracted from super-exploitation. All while poor people starve and die!

The transgender cult, always weaponizing slurs and violence against women. Really, is this any surprise?

Foolish little anarchists. The same-old bourgeois-individualists of yesteryear. Just now with more sexism and racism added-in, for good measure of course. Nothing new. But they never learn, now do they?

The transgender mob gets anything & everything it has ever wanted. The hand-outs they receive are amazing, especially considering their founders, donors & financiers are nothing more than deranged billionaires, millionaires, & sick-in-the-head white settler males with power!

The transgender cult — a wretched gang of social rejects & woman-hating freaks, sprawling forth from the hellish vortex of the capitalist patriarchy & misogyny. This freak-show mob wonders why women refuse to kowtow to their demands that we submit to them. As if it isn’t obvious!


TRAs’ rules are clear: If you’re not erasing, degrading, dehumanizing, bullying, shitting on, & silencing women, you’re a bigoted transphobe who wants trans people to die. The more you abuse women, the better trans ally you are. Empathy for women is anathema to trans ideology.

First they wanted to dress like women.

Then they wanted to be women.

Then they said they are women.

Now they say they were always women.

Now they want kids to medicate.

Some feel kids should have surgery.

When are people going to realise huge damage has been done?

Women are not men unhappy with their masculinity.
Women are not men with a fetish for women’s clothes.
Women are not effeminate sissy men.
Women are not men rejecting the reality of their male body.
Women are not men preying after lesbians.
Women are not mentally ill men.



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先对禁言的事情做个解释,昨天有私信安慰我的人说知乎不中立,说了网友不喜欢的话就给我禁言了,这是个误会。禁言是昨天11点时,我给别人留言,发了“原地爆炸”四个字被删除了2次后就直接禁言24小时了,所以到今天11点就解封啦,然后10分钟不到,又被禁言15天,发现是被举报我发盗版资源,拜托,我发的每一个H 5模板都在wrap bootstrap上买了正版授权,支持非商用自由分享,已经拿购买记录向知乎申诉了,所以就暂时小号发出来,然后也发一下B站专栏。








而你们知道这种宣布我们胜利的外宣声音背后是什么外媒主流噪音吗?是"Top 1这位发誓要全民脱贫,但可惜他喜欢说谎,社会不公和贫困现象依然大把存在”。


一般外网消息传播开会有时延,今天是事情发生的第二天,你们看着吧,不出35天,这事情就出国了,标题是啥呢?“Top 1梦碎, 拆穿全民脱贫的谎言”, 我说啥好呢?呵呵呵呵吗?


















8.这个事情,我想,但凡发布讣告的人,不是这样煽情一段一段文字输出,而是把近期他们群的沟通聊天记录展示,耐心解释这个VUP计划的来龙去脉, 并发动网友探寻真相,那也不至于引起像我这样的人的巨大怀疑。我怀疑有错吗,当然没错,我的文字陈述有错吗,你们可以再去看一遍,没有任何漏洞,在墨茶已经确认死亡的情况下,依然坚挺。





  • 中国有最公平的义务教育制度和高考制 度,让不同阶级和出生的人,都有一个 在客观上非常公平的上升通道,虽然现 在年年扩招,但在这条路上坚实的走下 去的每一个人,都是普惠对象。

  • 中国的互联网的业务领先和规模领先而 带来的内循环规模放大,带来了更多的 就业、成长、上升机会。在不讨论社会 投机性的情况下,也是普惠到每个人 的,甚至是农村。




5、如果对墨茶感动是有理的,是可推广的,是能够立碑的,那请问,这是多么恶劣的社会示范效应,那些懦弱的女拳、福利姬、LGBT、MTF抑郁症患者, 是不是就更有理由和家人闹矛盾了、更有理由不工作自食其力而是趴在网络上谋求不顺畅的主播通道了,就更有理由在这个正常的社会秩序下作妖作乱了?

6、抑郁绝不是歧视原因,但如果打着抑郁的旗号,扯着泛自由化的大旗,就可以违反社会规则,享有成长特权,我死我有理,那这是哪门子的道理?感情您是个MTF自我认知有偏差, 家里抛弃你, 你割腕死亡了,我还要来给你立碑吗?抱歉我不同意,我相信我的身后,有千千万万的正常人也不同意。





1、我今天发了这么一篇长文,相信大家看到了我所希望的社会是怎样的,我是一个讲逻辑的人,我认为每一事情,如果更讲逻辑,那将更有秩序,更有生产力,为此,我愿意承担背后的社会责任,而社会责任的承担,需要付出,包括昨天的发声,包括昨晚到现在不停歇的网暴,包括我现在发的这篇绝不退让的文章。背后是需要付出代价的,包括被人肉攻击骚扰,包括最近的某Pre A轮的项目暂时下线。这就是社会责任。











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一个人最可怜的是不知道自己为啥可怜,来,再给你们出道题目,@御***奇 已经承认自己的描述与官方调查有明显不同了,我知道你们连调查视频都没看,看完的人也说是摆拍故意的,那你们赶紧去骂这位为啥被官方收买呀?



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