序言的翻译 The translation of the preface


The proletarian cultural revolution initiated and led by Chairman Mao Zedong, the great leader and mentor, solved theoretically and practically the major task of the contemporary international communist movement of consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat and preventing the restoration of capitalism.


Hundreds of millions of workers, peasants and soldiers, revolutionary cadres and revolutionary intellectuals have withstood the great winds and waves of this great revolution,
worked hard to study Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong thought in the struggle,
and to study the theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat,
figured out where the bourgeoisie is and the problem of exercising All-Round dictatorship over the bourgeoisie,
persisted in opposing revisionism and guarding against revisionism, and continued the revolution.


In the face of this great revolutionary situation, it is a very important task to compile a popular book of socialist political economy that correctly analyzes the law of movement of the socialist economy according to the Marxist point of view, analyzes the process of the formation, development and elimination of the bourgeoisie, especially the inner-party bourgeoisie under socialist conditions, analyzes the classes, class contradictions and class struggles in socialist society, and expounds the nature, objects, tasks and prospects of the socialist revolution.

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In the process of revealing the laws of capitalist economic movement and criticizing the opportunist line, Marx and Engels put forward some basic principles of socialist political economy, guiding the proletariat to fight for the seizure of power, the establishment of the proletarian dictatorship, and the construction of socialism.

术语 Terminology

资产阶级法权 Bourgeois recht

阶级斗争熄灭论 class struggle extinction theory

唯生产力论 theory of the omnipotence of productive forces

官僚垄断,利润挂帅,物质刺激,专家治厂 bureaucratic monopoly, profits in command, material incentives, running factories by experts

反击右倾翻案风 counterattack the Right-Deviationist Reversal-of-Verdicts Trend


After Lenin’s death, Stalin inherited Lenin’s cause, led the people of the Soviet Union to realize national industrialization and agricultural collectivization, and theoretically summarized the socialist economic problems. and in practice, it has solved a large number of problems caused by the representatives of the bourgeoisie in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks).


However, Stalin made a big mistake on the question of whether there was class struggle in socialist society.


The Soviet political economy textbook published in the 1950s (first, second and third editions) did not recognize the contradiction between socialist relations of production and productive forces, did not recognize the existence of bourgeois recht to varying degrees in all aspects of socialist relations of production, did not recognize the existence of the bourgeoisie in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and did not recognize that after the realization of socialist industrialization and agricultural collectivization, there was still the possibility of capitalist restoration. In the final analysis, these books do not recognize the existence of classes, class contradictions and class struggles throughout the historical era of the dictatorship of the proletariat.


In terms of methodology, it has lost the framework of socialist political economy based on the contradictions between relations of production and productive forces, superstructure and economic base, lost materialism and dialectics, and fell into idealism and metaphysics.


As a result, when analyzing the social and economic movements after the dictatorship of the proletariat and the establishment of the socialist economic foundation, it has no choice but to fall into the quagmire of class struggle extinction theory and theory of the omnipotence of productive forces.


Of course, such an erroneous analysis will not lead to the scientific conclusion that the revolution will continue under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Even so, there are correct parts in this textbook of political economy. The book emphasizes that the socialist economy is an economy that serves all the people, not an economy that makes profits for a small number of exploiters. In this respect, it is different from the revisionist political economy inspired by Khrushchev and Brezhnev traitor group.


In today’s Soviet Union, political economy has completely depraved. It advocates bureaucratic monopoly, profits in command, material incentives, running factories by experts. It advocates that it is right to exploitation and oppression. It has become the economics of social imperialism and has lost even the slightest scientific value.


Since the Soviet Union was the first socialist country created by the great Lenin in history, its mistakes, like its success, had a profound impact on people. This is quite obvious in the study of political economy in our country. In the 1950s, many works on socialist political economy in China were basically copied from Soviet textbooks, copying both its correct parts and its wrong parts; it is particularly noteworthy that in the process of copying, it is inevitable to accept the whole set of idealistic and metaphysical world outlook that guides the study of Soviet political economy. Under the domination of this world outlook, it is easy to accept the revisionist line. Before the proletarian Cultural Revolution, China’s economic theorists were seriously influenced by Liu Shaoqi’s revisionist line for a long time. The epistemological basis of this black line is the bourgeois idealism and metaphysical world outlook that widely exists in China’s economic theoretical circles. " the proletarian Cultural Revolution is a great revolution that touches people’s souls and is to solve the problem of people’s world outlook ." ①(It is quoted from People’s Daily on November 6, 1967.) Therefore, in the course of destroying the two bourgeois headquarters of Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao, and in the process of criticizing Deng Xiaoping and counterattacking the Right-Deviationist Reversal-of-Verdicts Trend, greatly destroyed the bourgeois world outlook and greatly established the proletarian world outlook, as an urgent requirement, it is put in front of economic theory workers (not just economic theory workers).


Where there is revisionism, there is Marxism; where there is idealism and metaphysics, there is materialism and dialectics. This is the law of history. Chairman Mao, the greatest contemporary Marxist, comprehensively summed up the positive and negative experiences of the international communist movement and put forward a series of scientific conclusions, which enriched the theoretical treasure-house of Marxism and inherited, defended and developed Marx-Leninism.

毛主席在《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》中指出:“ 在社会主义社会中,基本的矛盾仍然是生产关系和生产力之间的矛盾,上层建筑和经济基础之间的矛盾。 ”这些矛盾表现为:“ 社会主义生产关系已经建立起来,它是和生产力的发展相适应的;但是,它又还很不完善,这些不完善的方面和生产力的发展又是相矛盾的。除了生产关系和生产力发展的这种又相适应又相矛盾的情况以外,还有上层建筑和经济基础的又相适应又相矛盾的情况。

Chairman Mao pointed out in "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People ": In socialist society the basic contradictions are still those between the relations of production and the productive forces and between the superstructure and the economic base. " These contradictions are manifested as:“ socialist relations of production have been established and are in correspondence with the growth of the productive forces, but these relations are still far from perfect, and this imperfection stands in contradiction to the growth of the productive forces. Apart from correspondence as well as contradiction between the relations of production and the growth: of the productive forces, there is correspondence as well as contradiction between the superstructure and the economic base.

毛主席在谈到社会主义制度时又说:“ 总而言之,中国属于社会主义国家。解放前跟资本主义差不多。现在还实行八级工资制,按劳分配,货币交换,这些跟旧社会没有多少差别。所不同的是所有制变更了。 ”“ 我国现在实行的是商品制度,工资制度也不平等,有八级工资制,等等。这只能在无产阶级专政下加以限制。所以,林彪一类如上台,搞资本主义制度很容易。

When talking about the socialist system, Chairman Mao said: "“ In a word, China is a socialist country. Before liberation she was much the same as a capitalist country. Even now she practices an eight-grade wage system, distribution according to work and exchange through money, and in all this differs very little from the old society. What is different is that the system of ownership has been changed. ” “ Our country at present practices a commodity system, the wage system is unequal, too, as in the eight-grade wage scale, and so forth. Under the dictatorship of the proletariat such things can only be restricted. Therefore, if people like Lin Piao [Lin Biao] come to power, it will be quite easy for them to rig up the capitalist system.


During the period of the socialist revolution, Chairman Mao profoundly analyzed the class relations in the socialist society, and for the first time in the history of the development of Marxism, he clearly pointed out that after the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production was basically completed, there was still a class and class struggle, made a scientific conclusion that the bourgeoisie was just within the Communist Party, and put forward a great theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat. This great theory has broken the idealistic and metaphysical viewpoints in the field of political economy for a long time, dealt a heavy blow to all kinds of revisionist viewpoints, and made socialist political economy coruscate a revolutionary youth. pushed it to a new historical stage.


Chairman Mao’s great theory points out to us that socialist relations of production are by no means rigid, solidified and immutable, but, like other relations of production in history, is an extremely vivid and rich process of contradictory movement. The socialist relations of production, which have just emerged from the capitalist mother’s womb, are immature communist relations of production. It is divided into two, with both growing communist factors and declining capitalist traditions or traces of bourgeois legal power. On the one hand, they are opposed to each other and connected with each other, thus forming the characteristics of the contradictory movement between socialist relations of production and productive forces, superstructure and economic foundation. This contradictory movement is mainly manifested in the contradictions and struggles between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, especially between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in the ruling Communist Party. If the proletariat wants to finally eliminate the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes and eliminate all class and class differences, it must adhere to the total dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the continued revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat.


Socialist political economy can advance along the track of Marxism only in the struggle to criticize revisionism and get rid of the influence of idealism and metaphysics. Its basic task is to analyze the law of the emergence and development of socialist relations of production and its transformation into communist relations of production according to the basic theories of Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong thought, by connecting productive forces and superstructure. Analyze the process of the formation, development and demise of the new bourgeoisie, especially the inner-party bourgeoisie, and clarify the laws and characteristics of class struggle under the dictatorship of the proletariat. To help cadres liberate from the influence of the bourgeoisie and revisionism and carry out a socialist revolution from the democratic revolution.


The book now before the reader is an attempt to write in accordance with the above requirements. The book has been revised many times. However, after the revised version was finalized and reread, we felt strongly that the book did not meet the above requirements. Literally, it seems that all the issues that should be involved are involved, and we try to use Marxist world outlook to make a dialectical analysis of the socialist economic movement, but when examined strictly, the weaknesses in this book can still be seen everywhere.


Socialist political economy has been seriously influenced by idealism and metaphysics for decades. This kind of influence, this book has not completely got rid of. For the socialist economic movement, this book also classifies things according to the external signs of things, rather than according to the internal relations of things. From the system structure of this book and from its analysis of various categories of socialist relations of production, we can see the imprint of the political and economic textbooks published by the Soviet Union in the 1950s. Economic category is the theoretical expression of realistic economic relations. Like the realistic economic relations, they are always in the movement of unity of opposites. Political economy should analyze their respective movements that are both opposite and connected to each other, and analyze the conditions on which the opposing sides are transformed to the opposite side. draw the conclusion of the revolution. However, looking back, some of our analysis is still superficial, some places still stay on the outside of things, and do not explain the movement of things from the internal relations of things. there is no in-depth analysis of the conditions which communist factors under will prevail over capitalist traditions or traces, and under what conditions capitalist traditions or traces will flood to drown communist factors. We should continue to study Marxism and work towards the direction of truly mastering materialism and dialectics.

从理论和实际的结合上说明社会主义经济的运动规律,是社会主义政治经济学的职责所在。马克思说:“ 研究必须充分地占有材料,分析它的各种发展形式,探寻这些形式的内在联系。只有这项工作完成以后,现实的运动才能适当地叙述出来。 ”我们占有一些材料,但远不是充分的。在已经占有的材料中,分析它的各种发展形式,探寻这些形式的内在联系,也做得很不够。在叙述的过程中,读者将会发现概念加举例的情况。概念加举例,跟从理论和实际的结合上说明问题,是大不相同的。这种情况,反映了我们的理论脱离实际的程度。毛主席教导我们:“ 我们要从国内外、省内外、县内外、区内外的实际情况出发,从其中引出其固有的而不是臆造的规律性,即找出周围事变的内部联系,作为我们行动的向导。而要这样做,就须不凭主观想象,不凭一时的热情,不凭死的书本,而凭客观存在的事实,详细地占有材料,在马克思列宁主义一般原理的指导下,从这些材料中引出正确的结论。这种结论,不是甲乙丙丁的现象罗列,也不是夸夸其谈的滥调文章,而是科学的结论。这种态度,有实事求是之意,无哗众取宠之心。这种态度,就是党性的表现,就是理论和实际统一的马克思列宁主义的作风。 ”用毛主席的这个对我们党内的那种理论脱离实际的作风的批评,来批评本书,是最恰切不过的了。用毛主席倡导的树立理论和实际统一的马克思列宁主义的作风,来鞭策我们继续努力,又是多么的亲切呵!

It is the duty of socialist political economy to explain the law of movement of the socialist economy from the combination of theory and practice. Marx said: " The [inquiry] has to appropriate the material in detail, to analyze its different forms of development, to trace out their inner connection . Only after this work is done, can the actual movement be adequately described. " we have some material, but it is far from sufficient. In the material already possessed, it is not enough to analyze its various forms of development and explore the inner connections of these forms. In the process of narration, readers will find concepts and examples. Concepts and examples are very different from the combination of theory and practice. This situation reflects the degree to which our theory is divorced from reality. Chairman Mao taught us: " We should proceed from the actual conditions inside and outside the country, the province, county or district, and derive from them, as our guide to action, laws which are inherent in them and not imaginary, that is, we should find the internal relations of the events occurring around us. And in order to do that we must rely not on subjective imagination, not on momentary enthusiasm, not on lifeless books, but on facts that exist objectively; we must appropriate the material in detail and, guided by the general principles of Marxism-Leninism, draw correct conclusions from it. Such conclusions are not mere lists of phenomena in A, B, C, D order or writings full of platitudes, but are scientific conclusions. Such an attitude is one of seeking truth from facts and not of currying favour by claptrap. It is the manifestation of Party spirit, the Marxist-Leninist style of uniting theory and practice. " is the most appropriate way to criticize this book with Chairman Mao’s criticism of our party’s style of theory divorced from reality. How kind it is to use the Marxist-Leninist style of theory and practice advocated by Chairman Mao to spur us to continue our efforts!


The issue of writing style is also an important issue in political economy. It is not surprising that bourgeois political economy is often obscure to deceive the masses. Marxist political economy is not the case. If it wants to publicize the masses, it must be easy to understand and lively. The works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Chairman Mao set a brilliant example for us. This Marxist-Leninist style of writing cannot be found in Soviet economics textbooks, which is closely related to the fact that the authors of the textbooks are deeply bound by metaphysical ideas. As for the economics of the contemporary Soviet revisionists, it reflects the dying state of mind of the bourgeoisie, and its writing style is even worse than the economics of the rising period of the bourgeoisie. This book tries to reflect the spirit of the vibrant proletariat and should have a lively, fresh and powerful Marxist-Leninist style of writing, needless to say. But at this point, it is not entirely satisfactory. The writing style of this book also reflects that it is not completely free from the influence of metaphysics and is often boring and rigid. It takes a lot of effort to make the whole book have a lively, fresh and powerful Marxist-Leninist style.


After a preliminary analysis of the main weaknesses of the book, we feel that the book has not fulfilled its own task. We should learn from the beginning; we should start from the beginning. But, without destruction there can be no construction, get rid of the old to leave the place for the new. This is not only the law of the development of things, but also the law of the development of socialist political economy. For this purpose, we decided to print this book and listen to the opinions of all parties, so as to further spur us forward in the criticism of our readers. We are convinced that today, when hundreds of millions of workers, peasants and soldiers in our country are working hard to study and master Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Zedong thought, and through collective efforts in such a vivid and rich environment of the Chinese revolution and the world revolution, it is entirely possible to compile a socialist political economy that adheres to Marxism, criticizes revisionism, and gets rid of idealism and metaphysics. In this huge project, if this book can act as a paving stone, that is our greatest wish.

《社会 主义政治经济学》编写小组


The working Group for the compilation of the Political Economy of Socialism
September 1976.

the book

greatly destroying the bourgeois world outlook and greatly establishing the proletarian world outlook, as an urgent requirement, is put in front of economic theory workers (not just economic theory workers).

greatly breaking the bourgeois world outlook and greatly establishing the proletarian world outlook, as an urgent requirement, is put in front of economic theory workers (not just economic theory workers).

But, without destruction there can be no construction;without getting rid of the old there can be no the place for the new.