Translation (tentative)
The Cultural Revolution is a way to mobilize the masses to expose the dark side
Mobilize the masses to expose our dark side in an open, comprehensive, and bottom-up manner
After the democratic revolution, the workers and the poor and lower-middle peasants do not stop, they want the revolution. However, some party members do not want to move forward, while others fall back and oppose the revolution. Why? They have become high-ranking officials, they have to protect the interests of high-ranking officials.
Is there still a need for revolution in a hundred years’ time? Is there a need for revolution in a thousand years’ time? There is always a need for revolution. There are always some people who feel oppressed. Junior officials, students, workers, peasants and soldiers do not like big people to oppress them, so they want revolution. Ten thousand years later, the contradiction will be out of sight? Why can’t it be seen? It can be seen.
The class of bureaucrats is sharply opposed to the working class and the poor and lower-middle peasants.
管理也是社教。如果管理人员不到车间小组搞三同, 拜老师学一门至几门手艺, 那就一辈子会同工人阶级处于尖锐的阶级斗争状态中, 最后必然要被工人阶级把他们当作资产阶级打倒。不学会技术, 长期当外行,管理也搞不好。以其昏昏, 使人昭昭, 是不行的。
Management is also a socialist education. If managers do not come to the workshop group to practice “three together”, apprentice to learn one to several crafts, they will be in a state of sharp class struggle with the working class all their lives, and in the end they will inevitably be overthrown by the working class as the bourgeoisie. If you do not learn the technology and become a layman for a long time, then the management will not be good. It’s no OK to expect to make others see the light with one’s own darkness and confusion.
- “three together” : Eat, live, work together
- socialist education(movement):
- 以其昏昏, 使人昭昭:
这些走资本主义道路的领导人,是已经变成或者正在变成吸工人血的资产阶级分子,他们对社会主义革命的必要性怎么会认识足呢?这些人是斗争对象, 革命对象,社教运动绝对不能依靠他们。我们能依靠的, 只有那些同工人没有仇恨而又有革命精神的干部
These leaders who take the road of capitalism are bourgeois elements who have become or are becoming workers’ blood suckers.How can they be fully aware of the necessity of a socialist revolution?These people are the object of struggle, the object of revolution, and the socialist education movement must not rely on them. We can only rely on those cadres who have no hatred with the workers and have a revolutionary spirit.