关于每月评论的小册子A Critique of Soviet Economics


《每月评论》的翻译 <读斯大林《苏联社义经济问题》谈话记录>看来是不那么老实的。


Stalin’s point of view in his last letter[* Reply to comrades A. V. Sanina and V. G. Venzher. ] is almost altogether wrong. The basic error is mistrust of the peasants.





“ 斯大林写的《苏联社会主义经济问题》,要好好读,要多读几遍。过去看这本书,不感兴趣,现在不同了。为了我们的事业,结合当前的实际问题,学习经济理论著作,比脱离实际专门读书,要好得多,容易懂。目前研究政治经济学问题,有很大的理论意义和现实意义。”

《每月评论》译本则是从全文各处左砍右堆写出一个“ Stalin’s book from first to last says nothing about the superstructure. It is not concerned with people; it considers things, not people. Does the kind of supply system for consumer goods help spur economic development or not? He should have touched on this at the least. Is it better to have commodity production or is it better not to? Everyone has to study this. Stalin’s point of view in his last letter[*] is almost altogether wrong. The basic error is mistrust of the peasants. Parts of the first, second, and third chapters are correct; other parts could have been clearer. For example, the discussion on planned economy is not complete. The rate of development of the Soviet economy is not high enough, although it is faster than the capitalists’ rate. Relations between agriculture and industry, as well as between light and heavy industry, are not clearly explained.”


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毛泽东读斯大林《苏联社会主义经济问题》谈话记录.pdf (1.4 MB)